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Cornell University

Rapid Prototyping Lab

At Cornell University

Laser Cut

Laser Cutting Services at RPL

For laser cutting services, our staff holds in-person open hours. Bring your material to the RPL during our scheduled open hours to have it laser cut and submit your file online through our form (ensure you are logged in with your NETID).

Submitting for Laser Cutting

  1. After designing your part, export your design as a .dxf (or .pdf if you use Autodesk) file. Organize the parts into a sheet matching the dimensions of your material.
  2. Load your .dxf/.pdf files onto a flash drive or email them to
  3. Bring your material (and flash drive if you are using one) to the RPL during our open hours.
  4. We finalize the design files and cut them out on the spot.

Please access our Laser Cutting Guidelines and Epilog Approved Materials for more information on what materials we can cut.

Prohibited Materials:

  • Polycarbonate
  • Neoprene & Chlorine Containing Rubber
  • Aluminum foil (and other reflective materials)
  • Others